Gabene at Partizan 316 BC & May 2024

This years Partizan demo was the battle of Gabene, Antigonus and Eumenes battling it out in their second and final meeting in 316BC and our follow on from last years demo.

We nearly had a bit of a melt down (irony intended) when yet another of the Aventine elephants exploded days before the game reducing our already reduced stock, but the Twitter community stepped up and Simon Miller of To the Strongest fame volunteered half a dozen of his elephants for the day increasing and broadening the visual aspect of the game – thank you Simon!

Anyone who knows their Successors is aware this battle ended tragically for Eumenes for those that don’t here is the condensed version. The two sides faced off, infantry in the centre, cavalry on the wings, front screened by elephants and skirmishers; Antigonus had the numbers, Eumenes had the quality, especially infantry where he had the veteran Silver Shields and the elite Hypaspists. In rough sequence, cavalry from the Antigonid left rode round the Eumenid right, stole the moveable’s from the Eumenid camp and bought them back to base – how I don’t know and nor do the sources really, battle was joined proper and Peucestas commanding the Eumenid left wing cavalry buckled under the advance of the Antigonid right wing cavalry, fell back and could not be coaxed back into the fray – maybe he was bribed, maybe he was a douche, we’re not really sure, in the centre the Silver Shields & Hypaspists led the way in smashing the Antigonid foot back, killing some 5,000 men, on the Eumenid left both sides messed about and not much happened. With his centre busted Antigonus gathered elements from both cavalry wings and ordered them to attack the now isolated Silver Shields & co who promptly formed hollow square and marched all the way back again – these guys had some balls!

On the face of it looking pretty good for Eumenes, and that night he argued for one last push in the morning but Peucestas was still being a douche and the Silver Shields were a bit pissed at losing 20 years worth of spoils. Enter the Greek tragedy; Antigonus sent messengers offering the loot in exchange for Eumenes, the Silver Shields agreed and handed over Eumenes and several other commanders who are promptly executed. The End 😥

The sources give a fairly good indication of the dispositions so we followed these pretty much to the letter and had the troops to fill all the spots, the special events of the camp and Peucestas we left to the rub of the game.

Like all demo games more time was spent chatting than playing and that’s a good thing but nonetheless we got a decent result. In short; the Antigonid right and the Eumenid left actually exchanged blows amidst the confusion of elephants panicking and stampeding into each other – always good fun, on the Antigonid left (where there were no elephants) it was all a bit cleaner and their superior numbers finally told, especially when the Eumenid commander Philip got himself shot by Scythian bowmen, in the centre the Silver Shields just seemed to get a case of the jitters and didn’t make the impression they should have and when their commander, Antigenes, got himself killed rallying the Hypaspists they ground to a halt.

With two commands paralysed it was now an uphill struggle for the Eumenids and with the show winding down we wound up the game feeling exhausted but very pleased with what we had been able to share with our fellow gamers.

With regard to the show itself it was very busy! My estimation was that this was the busiest I have seen it in all the years I have attended and tellingly the post lunch wind down was not so noticeable, yes it thinned but not nearly so much as previous years.

Of the games there was clearly some cracking stuff on display and in the quick run round I did at 3.30pm (my only time away from the table!) I noticed several I wished I’d had the time to admire properly and maybe ask some questions. Full details are on the various YouTube videos that people have put up and that’s where I’m getting my vicarious enjoyment of the show.

An interesting conversation I had with several people who stopped by was whether some of the games were wargames at all and not just examples of superb craftsmanship. How many of the games would see the light of day at a normal (or even an extended) club evening/day? There is no answer of course, just a dialogue.

That’s it really. An excellent show. Thank you to the organisers for all the hard work they put in and thank you to all those that came and chatted and passed on favourable comments they are much appreciated. Went home knackered and had an early night 😂🤣

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